
Saving money on the ordinary to enjoy the Extraordinary!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First Ever Blog Entry

Well I never thought that I would become one of THEM, but today I officially become a blogger. Eeeek!!!

Now I promise not to become one of those crazy extreme coupon people (although some of you already think I'm pretty nuts) AKA my brother and brother-in-law :) They like to call me frugal, and cheap, which makes me smile, because that means that I must be doing something right. Love you guys!!! :)

So back to the blog. Why did I take the plunge into this unknown world of blogging? Well, honestly, I think some of my Facebook friends are tired of seeing my money saving photos, and wish that I would just stick to status updates and checking-in instead of posting how much money I saved at CVS last week.
Ok, that's not true (at least I hope that's not true) :) The real reason for starting this blog is because I think this would be a good way of sharing my couponing victories, as well as some coupon advice for those of you who are beginning in this fun coupon journey. I have posted a few photos on Facebook, but I think this blog will serve as a better medium for giving specifics about how I plan my shopping trips and what coupons I use. And others will be able to add their comments, give their advice, and can create a community that can share information. 

I can't promise that I will update this blog every day, but I will promise that I will do my best to share my coupon experiences with you. If I find a great deal at a store, I will let you know. If I find a great coupon online, I will let you know. If I have a successful coupon-filled shopping trip, I will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can have the same success. And you are welcome to do the same. If you find a great deal out there, I encourage you to share it with the rest of the world wide web :)

Well I guess this concludes my first official blog entry. I'm not sure how many people will actually read this, but if you do, please let me know. I am always excited to meet other couponers.

To Maribel, Paige, Rachel, and Jessica: Thank you for letting me share in the coupon excitement with all of you. When you save money, it encourages me and motivates me to keep clipping those coupons. It's easy to maintain this hobby when everyone else is participating as well :)

To my amazing husband Robert: Thank you for understanding my psychotic refusal to pay full retail price on anything, unless I absolutely have to. You get me, and you always support me and my habit. You know the real reason I do this. It isn't about stuff. It isn't about being materialistic.

It's about saving money on the ordinary things in life so that we can enjoy the extraordinary.


  1. interesting. any words of advice for us 2%er couponers. as in when you clip coupons and NEVER use them ;) And if were you accepting a couponing award on the last part of the blog you forgot to thank the academy (of P&G).

    i'll keep coming back for more :)

  2. BCSHotels,

    Thank you for being the first one to comment on my blog. For this comment, you win a free coupon of your choice! :)

    A bit of advice. Coupons are only good when you USE them. They can't save you money when you leave them at home. If you can't remember to take them with you to the store, try keeping the really valuable ones in your wallet. You are more likely to use them if you see them every time you open your wallet.

    As for my acceptance speech, the Academy knows I love them. They are very high-profile, and they get tired of the constant attention.

    Thanks for your comments!
