Today's quick trip to Target was a spur-of-the-moment, let's-see-what-clothes-they-have-on-sale kind of trip. It didn't really stop at clothes, but you get the picture...
Total Savings: $46.90 |
First things first. If you haven't printed the Mossimo and Merona coupons from Target's website, do that now! I'm serious...stop reading, go to a computer, and print those coupons pronto. They are $3 off coupons that expire today, and you will kick yourself for not using them. I promise! Well, maybe not literally kick yourself, but you could score some super duper cheap casual tops that you are sure to wear this upcoming holiday weekend.
Pictured above are 3 lace Mossimo tank tops that are on sale for $6 AND they are available in all sorts of bright spring colors. I was lucky enough to have 3 coupons on hand, so I only paid $3 each. Great deal, huh? But gets better!
Also pictured above are 2Merona scoop neck tops that I found on clearance for $4. That's right, you guessed it...after using (2)$3 off coupons, I only paid $1 for each one! So if you haven't printed those coupons yet, I suggest you go print them and make a quick stop at Target to stock up on some always-needed casual tops. You'll thank me later...maybe ;)
If all you wanted to know about were the clothes, then I suggest you stop reading, print those coupons, and head on over to Target to take advantage of some sweet prices! If you are weird like me and get excited about cheap toiletries, then please continue reading...
I had some extra coupons from yesterday's trip that I wanted to use up, so I scored more cheap Aquafresh toothpaste and Up & Up travel size cotton balls. Feel free to look at yesterday's post to see the specifics on those sales.
Another Target coupon that you HAVE to print right now is the Degree coupon. The coupon is $2 off 2 Degree deoderants, and Target has their combo pack on sale for $3.99. Because there are 2 in a pack, this qualifies as 2 items, so the $2 off coupon applies. After the coupon, you are getting a Degree 2-pack for $1.99. These deoderants usually run about $3 each regular price.
A few cool clearance finds pictured above are Energizer Max 10-pack batteries ($5.61) and Colgate toothbrushes 3-pack ($3.14). Combined with manufacture coupons that I had from Sunday's paper, these always-needed items came with a pretty sweet price tag :)
The Garnier Fructis conditioner and Quaker Oats Real Medleys were purchased because I had a Target printable coupon and manufacture coupon that I was able to pair nicely for a great price.